
Monday, February 29, 2016
How do the weekends seem to fly by?

I had a day of silence on Friday when I left my phone at the gym, going until 5pm without cell phone was really weird but kind of nice.

Friday night Brandon and I headed back to the gym for a 2nd round of the crossfit open 16.1 workout.  We'd done it earlier in the day but I wanted another run at my score.  I completed 156 reps that morning and managed 179 reps that afternoon!

Since I tacked that workout twice, We treated ourselves to CiCi's Pizza, epic cheat meal.

If I ever make it 'big' in life I'm pretty sure hiring a housekeeper is on my to do list, that or just not working and being a housewife.  Seriously does anyone else feel like all Saturday is for is cleaning, laundry, and catching upon all the work you couldn't get to during the week!?

I just cannot do the daily cleaning lists, I love the feeling of the house being completely clean at one time.

Does it seem like everything happens at the same time, I couldn't tell you how many people are expecting little ones this spring, but I attended a quaint shower for a dear friend Saturday morning.  The shower favors were bottles of champagne to pop upon the birth!

I also spent some time Saturday afternoon doing meal prep for the week, I'll be sharing a post shortly on how I meal plan and prep for success! Its not as hard as it seems and saves you tons of time each night!

Did anyone else binge on Fuller House?  We did 5 episodes and I loved every minute.  Full House was without a doubt my favorite show growing up!  I didn't know what time on the clock it came on but I sure knew what part of my day was dedicated to those precious 30 minutes.

Weekends are for my favorite breakfasts, waffles, eggs, bacon, and never ending cups of coffee.

We've found Andy Stanley to be our favorite pastor to watch on Sunday mornings.  Although we do need to find a home church and get more involved I love his messages.

Sunday afternoon we headed back to the gym for Brandon to tackle 16.1.  He did slightly better than his run though Friday morning, but 16.1 score goes to the wife!

We did a quick Marshall's run and then spent the afternoon with our good friend Vicky and her little girl Ella, who found it very entertaining to toss her dolls off the back porch making us continue to retrieve them!

The weekend was wrapped up with packing up Poshmark sales and The Walking Dead!  I'm not so sure what I'll do if Negan comes into the scene and kills off a major player!

Linking up with Biana for Weekending!


  1. We have started doing one "chore" a week night when we have a ton of cleaning to do and it helps make the weekend not seem just full of chores. Like Monday we will dust, Tuesday we vacuum, etc. It doesn't always happen like that but when we have a TON of cleaning to do I try to space it out!

  2. seriously, so much of the weekend gets taken up with those annoying chores! I love the feeling of everything clean at once though, I feel like the house is never truly clean if it's just something small daily! Your waffle, bacon and coffee breakfast looks delicious!

  3. Your cheat meal looked delicious and very much deserved! I love weekend breakfasts too...ok I realize my entire comment has to do with food lol! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

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